Phillies Finally Sign Baseball’s Premier Catcher, JT Realmuto

Let’s be honest, even die hard Phillies fans were sweating this one out, no one knew if the Phillies would cough up the dough to make (in the words of the Inky’s Matt Breen) “Baseball’s Premier Catcher” JT Realmuto stay in Philly.

I know I bit my nails to the quick. I really didn’t think they could come up with enough money to give Realmuto his dream to be the highest average annual value for a catcher in the history of baseball. The “magic number” they agreed upon was $23.1 million per season over five years for a grand total of *drumroll* $155.5 MILLION DOLLARS.

For the next three years, the Phillies look to have a rather beefy team with Realmuto, Bryce Harper, Aaron Nola and Zack Wheeler. They also just inked Rhys Hoskins to keep him at first…hopefully, “Rookie Season Rhys” will return and be a bigger contributor this season.

After the abysmal year that was 2020, both on and off the field, may be, just may be, there’s a light at the end of this long tunnel between championship wins. Let’s just hope it’s not the headlight of an oncoming train.

What Does it Take For A Warning to be Issued? Jays’ Pitchers Take Shots at Phils

What does it take for a warning to be issued? Does someone have to be permanently injured or disfigured? Don’t get me wrong, I live in Dunedin so I do support the Jays, but I’m seriously reconsidering that after what I’ve seen in the last two games.

Is it because of Harper? The Jays didn’t play like that the first game–which was the day the Phillies signed Harper.

Then during Harper’s debut, the brush-backs started. First, Jean Segura:

Jean Segura barely dodges a pitch

Then during Rhys Hoskins’ second at bat, his first after his 2-run homer, he was nearly got nailed in the face:

Rhys Hoskins nearly hit in the head by a pitch

Rhys Hoskins nearly hit in the head by a pitch

Today, Harper was nailed in the ankle. See Harper getting hit HERE.

Harper after getting hit (Photo courtesy of Sports Center)

I know that after Hoskins was nearly decapitated no warning was issued…and not today after Harper got hit.

After the game a steaming Hoskins said he Elias ready to back up Harper if he would have charged the mound.

I’ll be at the last matchup VS the Jays next week. Hopefully, there won’t be a repeat of this kind of behavior.

Scenes from Phillies Spring Training-February 15, 2019

It was a beautiful but windy day today here in Clearwater. Ross and I started the day a little late and dropped into batting practice at Spectrum Field.

We managed to catch the last group batting. In this group were Mickey Moniak, Austin Listi and Mitch Walding.

Mitch Walding looks on as Mickey Moniak bats

I have video of Mickey Moniak HERE.

Charlie Manuel looks on

Mitch Walding

Roman Quinn and Rhys Hoskins

Andrew McCutchen comes to sign autographs

Buster Olney was here

Austin Listi

Then we went over to the carpenter complex and saw Jojo Romero pitching to Scott Kingery.

Jojo Romero

Scott Kingery

Shortly after we arrived, the Major League camp broke for the day so we waited until 1:30 for the minor league players who have reported early to come out. For me, this is my favorite part of spring training, I know a lot of these guys and it’s great to see my friends again.

I have video of Carlos De La Cruz take batting practice HERE and Jose Pujols HERE.

Alec Bohm

I watched Alec Bohm field and bat as well.

Finally, we got to catch Jose Pujols bat. He hit one off the score board and hit a few more out of the park.

It was a good day, although a long one. Hope to be back at it tomorrow.

Pictures from Phillies Spring Training-February 14, 2019

Today was nearly perfect, sunny, light breeze, perfect temperature. Ross and I skipped yesterday’s 59°, cloudy and windy day-after today, I’m glad we did!

This is our twelfth spring training and the last two under new manager Gabe Kapler have been, different to say the least. It used to be that the players would come out at 9-930 and practice would begin at 10. They would practice until 12, major league would go in for lunch and the minor leaguers would report and hit the field about 1.

Now, they have batting practice in the stadium (no idea when they start) quit about 11, the pitchers are “supposed” to come out around 11 but it was after 11:30 and they didn’t start until almost noon. It can make for a long day as they didn’t quit until after 1:30.

That being noted: I did manage to get a few good shots as well as a little video.

Jake Arrieta

This first video is of Jake Arrieta who reportedly had knee surgery just a month ago. From what I could see, he looked just fine. You can watch it HERE.

Rhys Hoskins

The second video is of Rhys Hoskins taking live batting practice from Drew Anderson as Gabe Kapler looked on. That video is HERE.

And below I have posted some random shots from around the complex today:

Adonis Medina

Zach Eflin

Drew Anderson pitches under Kapler’s close eye

Edgar Garcia

Nick Williams

Manager Gabe Kapler

First Day of Phillies Minor League Scrimmages and a Game VS Villanova.

For Clearwater, the day started off chilly, it was 56 when Baseball Ross and I got up and it was only 59 and windy when we got to the Carpenter Complex.

Even though it was “freezing” by this Florida Girl’s definition, we stayed all day and I was rewarded. I took two of the best photos I’ve ever taken. I’ve never had any training, so when it all comes together, it’s the best feeling in the world.

I took these two pictures of pitcher Jeff Singer. If you’re familiar with the Carpenter complex, you’ll know that the bullpen between Schmidt and Ashburn fields has a mesh screen over the fencing that is impossible to shoot through. Today I noticed that the fasteners holding the bottom of the screen were missing, so that if I timed the shot and the pitch just right, I could take the shot right behind the catcher as the screen would be blown up in the air by the wind. The shots, as I said before, are two of the best I’ve ever taken.

Jeff Singer

Jeff Singer


Earlier in the day, the major league players who did not make the trip to Tampa took batting practice:

Rhys Hoskins

Maikel Franco watches Odubel Herrera bat

Maikel Franco


Here are some shots from the rest of the day:

Enyel De Los Santos

Carlos De La Cruz

Colby Fitch slides into home

Adam Haseley

Jhailyn Ortiz

Franklyn Kilome

Brandon Leibrandt

Jose Taveras

Tyler Henson

Wilson Garcia


Here is the line up for the game VS Villanova. I did not stay for the game as some of my friends were playing in the other games and I promised to get pictures for them.


Pictures from Philles Spring Training Day 6-First Day Full Team

Today was the first day that the entire major league team was due to report. Things are quite different under the Kapler regime are very different. Whereas they had previously started at 9 and went to about noon, now it starts “around” 11 and goes after 2.

Today, my friend Jose Taveras pitched live batting practice for the major league time since making the 40 man roster.

Jose Taveras

I was able to catch most of the big names as well:

Maikel Franco

Odubel Herrera

Roman Quinn

JP Crawford

Rhys Hoskins

Jesmel Valentin

Jared Eickhoff

Phillies Start of Spring Training Games with a Win Over the University of Tampa

It was a great day for baseball and the Phillies young guns made it even better with a win.

Dylan Cozens smacks a homer to drive in J.P. Crawford
Dylan Cozens smacks a homer to drive in J.P. Crawford

Baseball Ross and I were impressed with the play of Dylan Cozens, Roman Quinn and Jorge Alfaro. We put together a video of pictures and clips along with our thoughts on the game. You can watch the video HERE.

Preview of the Phillies First Spring Training Game VS University of Tampa

Yesterday, Spring Training was shortened by an afternoon golf outing that the Phillies were holding. Today, it has been raining off and on all day. So what to do? A preview of tomorrow’s game against the University of Tampa!

Baseball Ross and I put together a video of photos and commentary on the line up for tomorrow’s game.  You can see the video HERE.

Andrew Knapp throws to J.P. Crawford to catch Nick Williams.
Andrew Knapp throws to J.P. Crawford to catch Nick Williams.

Phillies Spring Training-Day 4

It started as a chilly day and warmed up as the players took the field. The first day of full team practice added the position players to the mix as well as some additional minor leaguers.

You can watch our video below to see players such as Mark Lieter, Jr, Aaron Altherr, Michael Mariot, Elniery Garcia, Freddy Galvis, Odubel Hererra, Brock Stassi, Tyler Viza, Caleb Eldridge, Roman Quinn, Miguel Nunez, Rhys Hoskins,  Alberto Tirado and Jeff Singer. To watch the video, click HERE.

Dylan Cozens hits a homer over the brand new Robin Roberts scoreboard.
Dylan Cozens hits a homer over the brand new Robin Roberts scoreboard.