Pitchers Need Protection-I Have an Inside Perspective to Sports Head Injuries

May 13th Rockies Rookie Pitcher Ryan Feltner was hit in the side of his head by a comebacker hit by Nick Castellanos that was clocked at 92.7mph.

Rockies pitcher Ryan Feltner lays on the ground after getting hit by a line drive by Nick Castellanos in the second inning of the Phillies’ 7-4 win. Feltner was able to walk off the field under his own power.
USA TODAY Sports via Reuters Con

Some reports this morning stated he had a skull fracture and a concussion.

Believe it or not, I have a comparative injury. Back in 1997, Baseball Ross and I went to a Hershey Bears AHL Hockey game. We were seated about 12 rows off the ice, just past the corner right where the glass transitioned from high to low. Back then, the nets that protect the crowd were only behind the goalie.

It was the first game of the Calder Cup Playoffs and they were playing the Kentucky Thoroughblades. One of their players had gotten thrown out of the game 5 minutes in and had gotten dressed and was walking the concourse. People were following him and taunting him as he walked through the standing room only crowd.

It was a spectacle-I took my eyes from game play and that was all it took. Mike McHugh hit a wrap around shot on the glass and it picked up speed as it whipped around. I KNEW that sound so I turned to see where the puck was…just in time to see it leave the glass and crash into my forehead-right between my eyes!

A frozen hunk of hardened rubber at high speed…comparative to a baseball…

I’ll spare the goriest of the details but let’s say that the PLAYERS stopped the game and had skated to where we were to toss their towels over the glass in the hopes of helping as they could see how bad it was.

Like Feltner, I too, managed to get up and walk out though I had assistance because of the severe bleeding and possible neck injury.

Hours later at the hospital I found that I had a skull fracture and concussion, like Feltner. However, I also needed 15 stitches (10 without lidocane!) Most frighteningly, it pushed the front bone of my forehead 1mm into my sinus cavity.

It wasn’t until years later when a young girl was killed by an errant puck at a Columbus Blue Jackets game that the NHL added the additional netting.

Here’s the thing, why aren’t they protecting pitchers?

I KNOW the damage that a hit like this can cause. MLB knows the damage that these can cause…but they have done nothing. Softball pitchers have protective helmets—and softballs can’t be hit as hard or fast as a baseball.

It makes me sad because it really feels like they will do nothing. Someone will likely need to be horribly disfigured or die from their injuries before pitchers are given protection, made to wear protection.

We know MLB’s history. How many people died, yes died, or were severely injured before they added the nets down the lines? It took several high profile injuries before changes were implemented.

Now we wait to see who will be the “sacrificial lamb” to force MLB to provide protection to pitchers.